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Cell Phone Policy with Yondr

English - Distraction Free Learning Environments
Spanish - Distraction Free Learning Environments


Dear SUHSD Parents,

We will be making our middle schools a phone-free space to improve teaching and learning using a program called Yondr. Yondr has been implemented in over 2,000 schools across 16 countries to facilitate an engaged learning environment. 

We believe that phones have great utility. We have also found that learning and social behavior improve drastically when students are fully engaged with their teachers and classmates.

The Yondr Program utilizes a simple, secure pouch that stores a phone. Every student will secure their phone in a personally assigned Yondr pouch when they arrive at school. Students will maintain possession of their phones and will not use them until their pouches are opened at the end of the school day. Students are required to bring their Yondr pouch to and from school each day and are responsible for their pouch at all times.

Yondr has received responses to their annual surveys from over 1,200 school partners, and after implementing the Yondr Education Program:

  • 84% saw a change in student engagement
  • 72% saw a positive change in student behavior
  • 68% saw a positive change in academic performance

Of our most recent impact survey of over 370 of our school partners:
  • 86% saw a positive impact in student safety and wellness

Your school will be sending out more information in the upcoming weeks.
Thank you for your support.
English How Yondr Works


Estimados padres de SUHSD,
Haremos de nuestras escuelas intermedias un espacio libre de teléfonos para mejorar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje utilizando un programa llamado Yondr. Yondr se ha implementado en más de 2.000 escuelas en 16 países para facilitar un entorno de aprendizaje participativo.
Creemos que los teléfonos tienen una gran utilidad. También hemos encontrado que el aprendizaje y el comportamiento social mejoran drásticamente cuando los estudiantes están completamente comprometidos con sus maestros y compañeros de clase.
El programa Yondr utiliza una bolsa simple y segura que almacena un teléfono. Cada estudiante guardará su teléfono en una bolsa Yondr asignada personalmente cuando llegue a la escuela. Los estudiantes mantendrán la posesión de sus teléfonos y no los usarán hasta que se abran sus bolsas al final del día escolar. Se requiere que los estudiantes traigan su bolsa Yondr hacia y desde la escuela todos los días y son responsables de su bolsa en todo momento.
Yondr ha recibido respuestas a sus encuestas anuales de más de 1,200 socios escolares, y después de implementar el Programa Educativo de Yondr:
  • El 84% vio un cambio en la participación de los estudiantes.
  • El 72% vio un cambio positivo en el comportamiento de los estudiantes.
  • El 68% vio un cambio positivo en el rendimiento académico
De nuestra encuesta de impacto más reciente de más de 370 de nuestras escuelas asociadas:
  • El 86% vio un impacto positivo en la seguridad y el bienestar de los estudiantes.
Su escuela enviará más información en las próximas semanas. Gracias por su apoyo.
Spanish How Yondr Works
Yondr Pouch | Frequently Asked Questions

Yondr Pouch | Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Yondr pouch?
  • The Yondr Pouch is a secure bag that is used to store an individual’s mobile device or devices. It is secured and unlocked with a special magnetic locking device.
Why are our middle schools introducing Yondr pouches? 
  • The middle schools are seeking to limit distractions in the classroom and improve overall student engagement, mental health and well-being.
How will the process work at arrival and dismissal each day? 
  • As students arrive to school, they will: 
    • 1. Turn their cell phone off.
    • 2. Place their cell phone inside the pouch and secure it in front of school staff.
    • 3. Store it in their backpack for the day. 
  • At the end of the day, students will pen their pouch, remove their phone, close their pouch and put it in their backpack. Students must bring their pouch to school with them each day. Students arriving late or leaving early will lock or unlock their pouch in the Main Office. 
What if a student needs to leave the building before regular dismissal? 
  • If a student needs to leave school early for an approved early dismissal, medical emergency, athletic event, or other event, students will be able to unlock their devices prior to their departure. If returning to school during the instructional day, the Yondr pouch would be locked upon re-entry to the building. 
Will my student's phone be in their possession? 
  • Yes. Phones never leave the possession of students? 
What if a parent or guardian needs to reach their child during the school day? 
  • We understand that emergencies will occur. Parents may contact the main office to speak with their child if the need arises. Students can communicate with one another using their Chromebooks as well.
What happens if there is an emergency at school?
  • Every school and school staff is equipped to execute safety and emergency procedures, including calling 911. Students will follow the school’s emergency procedures in the case of an emergency. Schools will communicate with parents through the district’s mass notification and communication tools. It becomes disruptive when students are on their phones. They will be provided access to their phones once at a safe location.
What if a student does not comply or damages the locked case to access their phone?
  • Students who are found to unlock the pouches, cause damage to the pouch, or use an alternate phone will be subject to disciplinary action.
    • If a student damages their pouch, staff will: 
      • Collect the phone and pouch
      • Label the pouch/phone with the name of student, date, time, and name of the confiscating adult
      • Send phone to Main Office
      • Call home to inform the family/guardian of the violation
    • If a student is using their phone during the school day, staff will: 
      • Collect the phone and pouch
      • Label the pouch/phone with the name of student, date, time, and name of the confiscating adult
      • Send phone to Main Office
      • Call home to inform the family/guardian of the violation 
    • If a student loses their pouch: 
      • Student will turn in phone daily to Main Office and pick up after school
What if a student needs their personal device for a medical issue?
  • Students who have a documented medical condition and who need a personal device for monitoring their condition will be provided with a non-locking Yondr pouch that has a velcro seal.
What if there is a building-wide emergency and students are unable to return to the building, how will they open their Yondr pouch?
  • There will be mobile unlocking devices available for these types of circumstances. 
Why can’t the school just implement a zero-tolerance policy and allow students to keep their phones put away?
  • Enforcement of “cell phone free” classrooms and lock boxes become the burden of classroom teachers when students do not comply and valuable instruction time is lost as these issues are addressed. 
What happens if a student doesn’t have their Yondr Pouch?
  • The phone will be turned over to main office staff and secured in the school, safe until the end of the school day. At the end of the school day, students will retrieve their phone by showing their school ID.